Finding Family Playlists

Family Playlists are grouped by subject and grade level in the Library. Click into a tile to find all of our playlists for your class's grade and subject level. Each tile shows the number of Family Playlists available for that grade and subject level.

Favoriting Playlist Collections

If you teach a specific grade or subject, you can favorite the tile for easy access every time you log into your account. Click on the heart icon to add a group of Family Playlists to My Favorites.

Your Favorites section is located at the top of the Library

Viewing Playlists

Once you've clicked into a tile, the available playlists will be displayed in a list. Any playlist you assign, edit, or copy will appear in your Personal tab.

You can also select additional grade levels to expand the number of playlists you are viewing. 

If you would like to return to the main Library page, click Clear All Search Criteria

Advanced Search Tools

Keyword Search

Looking for playlists covering something specific like fractions, chemical reactions, or verbs? You can search our entire Family Playlist library or search within a collection by Keywords.

Search by Standards

Use the subject filter to find playlists on specific topics or standards.